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Search all 736 live actor bulgarian profiles
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hello Everyone! My name is VillainousMercy but please refer to me as Mercy!
- I am 21 years old- Pronouns are she/her- Timezone: EST
- Please credit me as MercyTheVA in projects!
- I am a Voice Actress and a Singer! If you would like me to audition for your project, feel free to message me and I will reply to it as soon as I can!

- My voice ranges from a low to a high range. I can voice characters from children (male and female), to teens, to young adults, to older/mature woman, and elderly women as well.

- Vocal Classification: Contralto
- Microphone: Warm Audio WA-47jr Large Diaphragm Condenser
- Interface: Focusrite Scarlett Solo
- DAW: Audacity [iZotope RX 10]
If you have any questions, feel free to message me here on CCC!
Skills and Interests: singing voice acting
The Shadow Realm
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Live Actor
ABOUT MEHello! You can call me Shadow! I am an inspiring Voice Actor!I have wanted to be a voice actor for a long time and when I heard about CCC, I had to try it out so here I am!Voice Acting Experience: Since April 2020Voice Range: Medium-High, more on the Medium side; Can do energetic and monotone voicesCan voice Teens and Young Adults ( Female )TO CONTACT METo contact me you can do it on my Discord or on here! I would love to help whoever contacts me!Discord: TheShadowRealm#4067
Accents: bulgarian
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
We produce voice acted comics on YouTube for 18+ audiences. Growing company! Join us and see our stories come to life. We are excited to meet you!
Accents: bulgarian
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Depending on the service you're looking for, I have broken down my bio into different sections.

I am open to doing multiple roles on a single project or more, provided it doesn't clash with my other work. 
Formal business enquiries can be sent to derelictcountry @ gmail (dot) comI can also be reached via Twitter @derelictcountry or on Discord DerelictCountry#7982***

I've been producing my own Machinima both in house and with others for over three years. I have made projects in several different titles but my primary game series that I use is Halo. 
I have four controllers on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One. I have all armour unlocked for Halo Reach on four profiles and on the Master Chief Collection I have...
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: voice acting
Voice Actor, with a general south-eastern English Accent. (London)
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
My natural speaking voice is very casual and easygoing.  Authentic and conversational for corporates and e-learning engaging and sincere for advertising and promos. Compelling storytelling for audiobooks. I have experience with on-stage and on-camera acting, so I am also available for character work for cartoons or video games.
Speaks: english
Search all 736 live actor bulgarian profiles