

Just do what comes naturally...even what you were too scared to do in the past.

Joined Aug 2022 0 Following0 Followers
About Ac!dPhosphorus

My name is Ac!dPhosphorus and I am a self-taught voice actress and occasional artist. Most of the things I do are for hobby or fun-based purposes. 

I usually have an alto type of voice, but I can reach soprano if needed. I have been practicing my VA skills away from the internet due to being overly self-conscious back then. But now I have gained the courage to take some risks and potentially get a piece of the limelight.

While I haven't posted any demo reels as of yet, I will say that I consider myself to be better at doing stereotypical girly voices, boyish voices, serious voices, and "insane" feminine voices. I also have about six years of experience in using audacity to add various vocal effects. While I'm willing to try new things, I will cross the line at 18+ content (it makes me feel uncomfortable sorry).

In terms of art, I am more adept at character designs and concept art. While my online portfolio may be a bit less polished than how I draw currently (this is due to school getting in the way), I will say that I hold a degree of pride in my work and hopefully you will as well!

I really do love working with other people on a creative project and this website is famous for this! So thanks for visiting my page and reading this!


I am free with volunteering but paid work is also dope

What Ac!dPhosphorus is looking for

I'm looking for probably people who need character designers, voice actors and more (provided it isn't too NSFW). Stuff like video games and animations are more my thing.