Austin Elliott

Austin Elliott

Professional voice actor looking for fun bonus projects!

Joined Sep 2021 9 Following0 Followers
About Austin Elliott

I come here to practice auditioning and snagging fun creative work when I'm focused elsewhere professionally. We're all the perfect voice for something! :)

See my animation reel below to see some more of my range! I tend to voice sweet boys who often die tragically. I enjoy paying just about anything, so let me take a shot at whatever you've got!

I have a professional home recording booth for us to use. I greatly prefer live direction when I'm recording, but I'm happy to knock out the lines alone. Anything I can do, I could do better with you there!

Follow my profile if you want to tag along, and leave a recommendation if we've worked together.


Whatever! I'm here for the love.

  • @deleted207269

    Austin went the extra mile to incorporate feedback and really work off what the script offered to bring Gallivan to life for Night Asunder. Recommended.