Tyler M. Frye

Tyler M. Frye

Remote Voice Actor with a broadcast quality home studio.

Joined May 2022 9 Following12 Followers
About Tyler M. Frye

Hello, I'm Tyler M. Frye, a 22 year old voice actor based out of Virginia Beach, Virginia. I have 5 years of stage theatre, improvisation, and comedy experience. Are you looking for an enduring and convicted villain? A scrappy, eager sidekick to back you up? How about a hero who is willing to sacrifice it all? If so, I'm your guy. Please reach out to me on Twitter @tylermfrye


Prices are flexible per project.

What Tyler M. Frye is looking for

I'm interested in doing character work for your video game, animation, comic dub, as well as narration for audiobooks, podcasts and more. Please contact me through my Email address, tylerfryevoice(at)Gmail.com Thank you for reading!