

Joined Sep 2015 73 Following0 Followers
About ash503

Hi there! My name is Ashtyn Faith, but please just call me Ash. I am a twenty one year old voice actress and writer from the Dallas area. I work directly with Wonder Works Studios as a director, writer and talent and have been working freelance for 6 years prior to joining the studio. I currently have a home setup in my office and record on a WA-47JR in combination with a Scarlett Solo into my PC. My office is partially sound-proof and I have a more treated booth in the works. I am majority self taught and made, and have earned my clients through consistent auditioning and networking. I thrive on building healthy open lines of communications with my clients to achieve great products and future opportunities for both parties. 

  • @dr_bonehead

    Ash and I have been in a few projects together, most recently a project that I directed. Within every project, she's given her all and done her best to bring the characters to life and absolutely nailed the roles, and I have no doubt that she will continue to do so! Overall, Ash is an amazing voice actress to work with, and I can't wait to work with her for many months/years to come!