

Voice Actor

Joined Jan 2023 15 Following10 Followers
About Narlington

I'm more than happy to be reached out to, whether I've auditioned for you, or if you're a fellow VO artist who wants to get in touch, feel free.

In case you're wondering, I use an sE4400a microphone.

Discord: Narlington

What Narlington is looking for

Looking to grow my voice over skills amongst like-minded individuals who aim for improvement. It's nice to see how much my voice overs have improved since starting out. Eventually I (like everyone else on this website I'm sure) wish to bolster my regular income with voice over work.

  • @rhiry

    What can I say about my Australian brother? Well, he’s a major underdog in the voice-acting community and does a great job suppressing his accent. Super hard working and willing to learn whatever he can get better. He takes his profession seriously and I highly recommend him. 

  • @MrQuax

    Narlington is an amazing voice actor who played a teacher.  He gives off the perfect vibe for the character.