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Voice Actor/Editor/Director/Mixer   |Home Studio|
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
I'm a 21-year-old Senior in College who likes to Voice Act, and Direct Anime dubs! I'm an Actor in real life too! I also sing and dance!

I loved acting since I can remember! But I started acting when I was 9, The first show I ever did was "Oliver" (I was Dodger) And I have been acting non-stop ever since! I started voice acting in 2015, And it all started with this website! I have gotten WAY better over the years, and I hope to get even better! Thank you for checking out my Profile! I hope to all of you who are just starting out, don't give up! As Frank 'n' Furter says in "The Rocky Horror Show": 
"Don't Dream It, Be it." 
Best of luck to all of you!
If you would like to contact me:
Discord: HaydenDavisVA#0047or@HaydenDavisVA on Twitter.
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: adr alto singing
I have a deep adult male voice, great for narration and villains.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult male young adult
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi, I'm Tessa "Reese" R. I'm a voice actor, actor, singer, musician, and occasionally a writer. I'm 18, and have been performing in various theater projects since I was 10. However, I'm (at the moment) fairly new to voice acting and started it to try and get some more acting experience because high school theater just wasn't cutting it (if you know, you know).I'm queer, and use she/they pronouns (you will not get any more details) and love parenthesis way too much. Current roles:Riley II (Welcome to Interstellar)Sasha (lemons!)Dan's Linguistics Study #3
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: audacity
Search all 4101 live actor Cakewalk by Bandlab profiles