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Hello! My name is Sansd! I've been doing voice acting since 2020 and improving every year! Hopefully my voice fits a character of yours. If you're interested in working with me, please dm me! Discord: croutonpants
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Music Composer, and Audio Engineer
I use an Audio-Technica AT2020 as my microphone in a sound treated closet and use Audacity for audio editing/recording. 
I privated all my old auditions because the quality and skills I had at the time don't reflect how my recordings sound now
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult male teen
Just a lad that knows how to do a couple of voices.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
So yeah, I may not have the "top tier equipment for voice acting"  but I'd say my equipment is, alright, I guess.
I can do a somewhat varied amount of lines and have no problems in pronunciation of languages in general, (that is, I can say the stuff well, even if I have no idea what they mean) My singing is, Good or horrible, depending on what kinda thing you want me to sing, Opera is out of the question sadly, since my skill isn't that amazing yet.Have no problem with anything really, so if you have a role that most people wouldn't take because of this and that, I don't really mind, just jam it in my face and I'll have a go at it.As for my contact, I have a Discord, and Skype)
Discord: griimsoul
Skype: iixgriimzzliex    (I really wish I could change that one)

See ya later? maybe, I'll be drinking tea over here.
Search all 5605 singer vegas pro 18 profiles